Third-Party iPhone Cable Catches Fire in Owner’s Lap


A third-party iPhone charging cable caught fire when charging the phone of a 16-year-old British teenager, fortunately with no injuries and damages caused.

The girl, who says she bought the cable from Poundland, was charging the iPhone with the original charger sold by Apple. The cable burst into flames a few seconds after it was plugged in, and the teenager was holding the phone in her lap when the incident occurred.

“It was absolutely terrifying. I’ve bought loads of cheap chargers in the past and they’ve all been fine,” she explains. “As soon as I plugged it in, I could smell a very strong burning smell as if the plastic was melting.”

iPhone not damaged

The 16-year-old Chloe Moore says she quickly pulled the charger from the plug and the cable from the phone, which hasn’t suffered any kind of damage. Signs of a fire, however, can be seen on the cable, which has melt… (read more)

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