iPhones Are for the Poor, Less Educated Users in China, Research Shows


It’s not a secret that many people consider iPhones an indicator of wealth, but as far as China is concerned, things are exactly the other way around.

A recent research conducted by Shanghai-based Mobdata and published by South China Morning Post reveals that most iPhone buyers in the country are poor and less educated.

The surprising statistics, which some think may be part of an attempt to drive Chinese customers to local brands, claim most iPhone buyers are unmarried females aged between 18 and 34 who only graduated the high school. Their monthly income is less than 3,000 yuan (around $430) and, in most of the cases, they own few valuable assets.

These customers don’t buy the latest-generation iPhone models, but older versions like iPhone 6, which at this point is the top iPhone in the country, followed by iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Pl… (read more)

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