Android to Continue Dominating Mobile World, iPhones to Struggle Through 2020


Windows phones aren’t expected to recover anytime soon, so it’s up to Android and iOS to push the mobile world forward.

And according to a forecast provided by IDC, this is exactly what it’s going to happen until 2020, as both Android and iOS will continue their growth. And yet, it won’t be easy for Apple, IDC says.

First and foremost, the estimated market share and sales. Android is projected to sell around 1.2 billion devices this year for a market share of 85 percent, but the platform will keep gaining in the coming years to eventually reach 1.46 billion sold units in 2020 and a share of 85.4 percent. This leads to a year-over-year growth of 4.2 percent, IDC says.

On the iOS front, analysts estimate that Apple will sell a little over 206 million iPhones this year, which equals to a share of 14.3 percent. In 2020, the platform is e… (read more)

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