Apple Asked to Detail Intentional iPhone Slowdown to Korean Watchdog


Apple’s legal problems that started after acknowledging intentional slowdowns of older iPhones with degraded batteries continue, this time in Korea where the company is being required by the country’s broadcasting and telecom regulator to provide more details about this practice.

“We are hoping to get some answers on whether Apple intentionally restricted the performance of old iPhones and tried to hide this from customers,” the Korea Communications Commission said in a brief statement.

While Apple has come under fire in Korea for deliberately slowing down iPhones, the company doesn’t risk a fine. The Investor notes that KCC “has no jurisdiction over Apple and it cannot launch an official probe.” The only thing it can do, however, is to request more details on why and how Apple reduces the performance of its phones to deal with battery wear.

The iPhone battery degradation saga… (read more)

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