Apple Declines, Samsung Grows, but iPhone Still Dominates Mobile World – Study


Apple has had a hard time keeping the iPhone a compelling product this year, especially following the arrival of the all-new Samsung Galaxy S7, and this struggle has reflected in the first declining quarter for iPhone sales since its official launch in 2007.

And new research conducted by DeviceAtlas and analyzing web traffic share shows that the iPhone is indeed on the decline while Android in general, and Samsung in particular, is growing bigger these days.

First and foremost, it’s worth noting that Apple continues to be the number one smartphone maker in several countries, but at the same time, the company also experienced declining numbers in Q2 in 18 out of the total 20 countries included in the survey. For instance, it lost 10 percent in the UK, 6 percent in Germany, and 4 percent in the US.

Samsung, on the other hand, improved significantly during the quarter, and it post… (read more)

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