Apple Investigated over iPhone 6s Price Fixing in Russia


Apple is once again having problems in Russia, this time following claims of price fixing as part of a scheme that also involved 16 major local resellers.

The Russia Federal Anti-Monopoly Service says an investigation has already started in order to determine whether Apple and a number of resellers tried to set the same price for the iPhone 6s and maintained it at the same level for a longer period of time.

“The Anti-Monopoly Service sees signs of price fixing violations in the Russian Federation at Apple iPhone resellers, which resulted in the same prices for these smartphones,” the organization is quoted as saying in a Reuters report.

It appears that the entire case was started after a local customer complained that Apple and resellers were selling the iPhone 6s and the 6s Plus at an identical price since the launch in October 2015, and all of them maintained it fo… (read more)

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