Apple Releases iOS 12 Beta 10 for iPhone and iPad, macOS Server 5.7 Beta 4


Apple surprised developers today with a new beta release of its upcoming iOS 12 mobile operating system for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch devices, version 10, which is now available for testing.

We said “surprised” because it’s been only three days since Apple released the iOS 12 beta 9 update, and now they’ve released iOS 12 beta 10, which registered developers with an active and paid Apple Developer account can install on their enrolled devices as we speak via OTA (Over-the-Air) updates or from the Apple Developer portal.

Unfortunately, the release notes don’t show any information about some critical bug that needed to be fixed from the previous beta release, so we can only tell you that iOS 12 beta 10 contains various bug fixes and improvements. We can also tell you that Apple released today macOS Server 5.7 beta… (read more)

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