Apple Releases Sixth Beta of iOS 10.2, Beta 5 of macOS 10.12.2 and watchOS 3.1.1


Just three days after seeding iOS 10.2 Beta 5 and Public Beta 5, Apple released new Beta builds of its upcoming iOS 10.2, macOS Sierra 10.12.2, and watchOS 3.1.1 operating systems, and this time they are available to both registered developers and public beta testers on the same day.

iOS 10.2 Beta 6 and Public Beta 6 are here and tagged as builds 14C90 and 14C91, depending on the iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch device used. On the other hand, users will be able to test drive the macOS Sierra 10.12.2 Beta 5 and Public Beta 5 releases, which are tagged as build 16C60b, and the fifth Beta of watchOS 3.1.1, tagged as build 14S883.

Looking at the release notes for iOS 10.2 Beta 6/Public Beta 6, we can notice that Apple once again improved its new TV app, which should no longer crash or display the “TV is unavailable” error on iPod touch d… (read more)

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