Apple released on Thursday an unexpected sixth beta update for its upcoming iOS 11.4 software update for supported iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch devices.
The iOS 11.4 beta 6 (15F5079a) update was released just three days after the beta 5 snapshot, whichApple seeded to registered developers and public beta testers alike earlier this week on Monday. Most probably, Apple fixed a critical bug or vulnerability that it had to release a new beta version so soon.
Unfortunately, the release notes for the iOS 11.4 beta 6 update remain untouched from the previous beta releases, so we can’t tell you what exactly Apple changed in this new beta. We believe that Apple will also seed a sixth iOS 11.4 public beta update for public beta testers later today.
iOS 11.4 beta 6 now available for testing… (read more)
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