Apple Seeds Third Developer Beta of iOS 10.1, tvOS 10.0.1, and Xcode 8.1


Just a few minutes ago, Apple seeded the third Developer Beta of its upcoming iOS 10.1 mobile operating system for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch devices, tvOS 10.0.1 operating system for Apple TV devices, and Xcode 8.1 IDE (Integrated Developer Environment).

Tagged as build 14B71 of iOS 10.1 Beta 3, build 14U69 for tvOS 10.0.1 Beta 3, and build 8T47 for Xcode 8.1 Beta 3, the new Beta milestones are now available for you to download on your registered devices through your Apple Developer account if you are an application developer creating apps for iOS or tvOS.

As usual, the new Beta of iOS 10.1 is available for the same supported iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch devices that work with iOS 10.0, and tvOS 10.0.1 Beta 3 must be installed on a 4th generation Apple TV, as the 3rd generation Apple TV devices and earlier models are no longer supported.

To deploy these Beta builds, you’ll need to install the configuration profile directly on your device. After that, you’ll rec… (read more)

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