Apple Seeds tvOS 10.1.1, watchOS 3.1.3, and Xcode 8.2.1 Maintenance Updates


After announcing the release of iOS 10.2.1 and macOS 10.12.3 Sierra security and bugfix updates, Apple today introduced new maintenance versions of its other operating systems and software, including tvOS and watchOS.

That’s right, you can also update your Apple Watch Series 1 or Series 2 device to the newly released watchOS 3.1.3 maintenance update, your 4th generation Apple TV to the first point release of tvOS 10.1, and, if you are an application developer, the Xcode IDE (Integrated Development Environment) to version 8.2.1.

Unfortunately, Apple did not yet reveal the changes implemented in tvOS 10.1.1, watchOS 3.1.3, and Xcode 8.2.1, so we can only believe that they introduce various patches for som… (read more)

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