Apple Shares More Information on How iPhone Clean Energy Charging Works


Apple shares more information on how iphone clean energy chargingApple has recently released iOS 16.1 to iPhones out there, and one of the highlights is the introduction of a feature called Clean Energy Charging.

In essence, this new feature is supposed to help reduce the carbon footprint by charging the iPhone when lower carbon-emission electricity is available.

This sounds complicated, but Apple believes the new feature would help reduce the carbon footprint substantially.

But on the other hand, because the iPhone must know when it’s the right moment to charge, the feature is only available in the United States.

iPhone owners leaving in the country will notice that the Clean Energy Charging is enabled by default on their devices after installing iOS 16.1.

“When Clean Energy Charging is enabled and you connect your iPhone to a charger, your iPhone gets a forecast of the carbon emissions in your local energy grid and uses it to charge your iPhone during times of cleaner energy production. Clean Energy Charging is available on… (read more)

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