Apple is expected to launch the new iOS 14.5 later today, according to several reports, as the company has already confirmed that its highly-anticipated operating system update is projected to go live at some point this week.
But according to The New York Times, Monday is the day when Apple will press the go-ahead button for iOS 14.5, though for now, no confirmation from the Cupertino-based tech giant obviously exists.
What’s new in iOS 14.5
Just like iOS 14, the new update to version 14.5 will be available for the iPhone 6s and newer and will include significant improvements and new capabilities.
One of them is support for unlocking an iPhone with the Apple Watch. In other words, if you’re wearing a mask and Face ID is therefore unavailable, your next best option is to enter the passcode. But it goes without saying this isn’t necessarily… (read more)
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