Apple keeps ruling the smartwatch market, and according to new data shared by Counterpoint Research, its lead has increased from 30.3% in the first quarter of 2020 to no less than 33.5% in the same quarter of this year.
In other words, Apple Watch not only that is the number one smartwatch on the market, but it keeps increasing its lead, as both Huawei and Samsung are far behind in the second and third places, respectively.
Huawei is currently holding an 8.4 percent market share, while Samsung comes next with 8.0 percent.
“Apple maintained its leadership position, catalyzing the overall market growth by recording a 50% YoY increase in the demand for the new Series 6 models. As a result, Apple saw its market share climb by 3% points. Samsung’s shipments also rose 27% YoY, with the popularity of the Galaxy Watch 3 and Galaxy Watch Active series. But the South Korean vendor’s growth was below the market average and it saw a small dip in its market share. Huawei conti… (read more)
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