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Apple Watch Series 8 Could Come With a Real Low-Power Mode

Apple watch series 8 could come with a real low power mode 535652 2

Apple watch series 8 could come with a real low powerApple is working around the clock on getting the new Apple Watch Series 8 ready for prime time, as this year, the launch is expected to include a mix of massive news on both the software and the hardware fronts.

The Apple Watch Series 8 and watchOS 9 are therefore expected to come with substantial refinements, but as it turns out, Apple also wants to keep some exclusives to its new-generation models.

In other words, there are features that would only be available on the Series 8, and according to Mark Gurman, they also include an all-new Low Power mode.

If you already own an Apple Watch, you probably know the device comes with such a feature called Power Reserve Mode. But on the other hand, it’s actually an awful implementation, as it turns the Apple Watch into a, well, watch because it disables most smart features … (read more)

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