The new Apple Watch Series 7 brings little changes despite all the rumors that had been swirling around in the last six months or so, as the Cupertino-based tech giant has reportedly given up on plans to release a massive design overhaul for this year’s generation.
The device was originally expected to give up on the curved edges and go for straight sides a la iPhone 12, but as everybody knows already, this didn’t happen and the Apple Watch Series 7 looks very similar to its predecessor.
There’s one important change, however. Apple increased the sizes of the two sizes it produces, so instead of 40 and 44mm models, the Apple Watch is now available with 41 and 45mm screens.
Thanks to smaller bezels, the available screen estate is therefore substantially larger, though almost everything else is just like on the Apple Watch Series 6.
Hello, third size
But as it turns out, Apple is planning big changes for the next Apple Watch, presumably called Seri… (read more)
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