Apple’s Tim Cook Drops 43 Places in Highest-Rated CEOs Top


Apple’s Tim Cook is only 96th in a Glassdoor research looking into the 100 Highest Rated CEOs, after he dropped no less than 43 places in the last 12 months.

Tim Cook was originally ranked the 8th in 2016, but he fell to the 53th place in 2017 as part of one of the largest drops last year. This year, Apple’s CEO together with Google’s Sundar Pichai recorded the biggest decrease in rankings, with the latter going from position 17 all the way down to 45.

Microsoft’s CEO, on the other hand, is doing a lot better. Satya Nadella jumped from the 29th place in 2017 to the 20th. This is only his second year in the charts, after previously taking over the CEO role from Steve Ballmer.

Tim Cook’s drop

As for the reasons why Tim Cook has declined so significantly in just 12 months, the research uses data from employee reviews based on a series of factors, with Apple workers most often invoking reasons like the culture of sec… (read more)

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