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Behind the Fear: How Delayed Siri Fixes Almost Sank Apple’s AI Uprising

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Key Points:

As a tech journalist, it’s exciting to report on the latest news and updates within the Apple ecosystem. In this case, the recent delay of Siri features has raised some eyebrows, particularly after an all-hands meeting at Apple where an exec described the situation as "ugly and embarrassing". However, upon closer inspection, it’s clear that the delay was a wise decision.

According to Mark Gurman, Apple’s decision to delay the features was made due to quality issues and the fact that the technology only works properly 2/3 to 80% of the time. This is a major red flag, as you wouldn’t want to ship features that don’t work consistently. In fact, even if the features worked 80% of the time, that’s still not good enough.

The critical nature of Siri features makes the delay even more understandable. As an intelligent assistant, Siri is designed to function like a personal assistant, providing users with accurate information and insights. If Siri flubbed on important details 2/3 of the time, the consequences could be disastrous. For instance, if Siri told you that your mom’s flight was arriving at 4:30 pm, but it actually landed at 7:30 pm, you’d be left stranded and annoyed.

The decision to delay Siri’s upgrades is reminiscent of the famous quote by Shigeru Miyamoto, "A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad." In this case, a delayed Siri is expected to be good, but a rushed update would have been very bad for Apple and its users.

As we await the revised release of the new Siri features, let’s weigh in on the discussion. Do you think Apple made the right call in delaying Siri’s upgrades? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

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