British Minister Says Schools Should Cut Down iPad Usage for Children


While most technology companies are pushing for students, teachers, and schools to adopt new devices, including tablets and laptops, Edward Timpson, the Minister for Children and Families in the United Kingdom, says this can only be a good thing as long as there’s a balance between the use of technology and the daily activities typical to children.

Speaking at the House of Lords Communications Committee, Timpson pointed out that teachers should be given the right to confiscate iPads from children in schools because using tablets for too long can lead to other problems, including bullying.

Timpson believes that the iPad can also become the cause of other incorporate activities, including harassment, and says that schools must regulate all these issues to find what he calls a “technology balance” that should avoid devices to become a battleground between children and teachers.

“A problem in a number of schools which we’ve sought to address is the iPad or the tablet … (read more)

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