Do Not Install iOS 13, United States Department of Defense Says


Apple has officially released iOS 13 to supported iPhone models, and while many rush to update their devices, the United States Department of Defense (US DoD) says you better not do it.

In an email sent to employees and contractors on the release of iOS 13, the US DoD says the new operating system comes with bugs that can only be avoided by not installing the update in the first place.

Instead, the DoD says, users should wait for iOS 13.1, whose release date was moved to September 24, most likely as Apple itself knows that it must fix bugs in the original version as soon as possible.

“Do NOT update”

“DOD Mobility strongly encourages you to NOT update, to avoid known Apple iOS 13 bugs. Apple is expected to release iOS 13.1 at the end of September 2019 to address bugs. DMUC users can expect follow-on messaging within the… (read more)

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