FBI Pressured to Reveal How Much It Cost to Hack San Bernardino iPhone


Three news corporation filed a lawsuit against the FBI, asking the judge to force the bureau to reveal how much it cost to unlock the iPhone used by Syed Rizwan Farook in the San Bernardino shootings in December 2015.

Associated Press, Vice Media, and Gannett, which filed the lawsuit in late 2015, said there is no reason for the FBI not to disclose this information, explaining that such details do not compromise national security in any way.

The news organization point to the Freedom of Information Act to convince the court to rule in their favor, explaining that the identity of the party that broke into the iPhone and the cost of the process should be information available to the public.

“While it is undisputed that the vendor developed the iPhone access tool, the government has identified no rational reason why knowing the vendor’s identity is linked in any way to the substance of the tool, much less how such knowledge would reveal any information about the tool… (read more)

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