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From Tipsy to Transformed: How Apple Watch Sobered Up a Whole Foods Legend

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Key Points:

• Apple Watch data helped John Mackey, founder of Whole Foods, decide to quit drinking three years ago.
• Mackey credited his Apple Watch for providing insights on how to improve his sleep and overall well-being.
• The Apple Watch’s sleep tracking feature was a crucial factor in Mackey’s decision to give up alcohol.

As a tech journalist, I’m excited to share this inspiring story of how an Apple Watch helped a high-profile entrepreneur make a significant change in his life. John Mackey, the co-founder and CEO of Whole Foods, recently revealed how the Apple Watch played a crucial role in his decision to give up drinking three years ago.

In his podcast interview on PLANTSTRONG, Mackey shared how he started tracking his sleep using the AutoSleep app on his Apple Watch. He attributed the sleep tracking feature to changing his life, claiming it helped him understand the connection between his drinking habits and poor sleep quality. Mackey discovered that drinking just one beer or glass of wine would significantly reduce his deep sleep and overall sleep duration.

Armed with these insights, Mackey began to experiment with his habits, eventually coming to the realization that he would rather prioritize good sleep than indulge in alcohol. This epiphany led him to quit drinking altogether, a decision he’s maintained for over two years.

The Apple Watch’s sleep tracking feature is now a standard offering on newer models, including the Apple Watch Series 9, Series 10, and Ultra 2. This technology is capable of detecting signs of sleep apnea, further emphasizing the importance of monitoring and caring for one’s sleep.

As an Apple user, it’s heartening to see how the company’s innovative products can have such a profound impact on people’s lives. If you’re an Apple Watch owner, take note of the importance of sleep tracking and consider exploring the AutoSleep app to monitor your own sleep quality. Who knows? You might just unlock some valuable insights that could lead to positive changes in your own life.

Next time you’re considering upgrading your Apple Watch or exploring new apps, remember John Mackey’s story and the impact the Apple Watch can have on your overall well-being.

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