Google Chrome Gets Face ID Security on iPhone


Google hasn’t shipped new updates for several iPhone apps in a long time, but in the meantime, the company is working on some pretty big improvements as part of its beta channels.

And one of them appears to be Google Chrome, the browser the search giant is betting so big on not only on Android, but also on iPhones too.

And the most recent beta build of Google Chrome comes with a notable improvement that allows users to enable Touch ID and Face ID protection within the app.

I know what you’re thinking: why would anyone need to lock their browser with Touch ID or Face ID? Wouldn’t that make everything more difficult to use?

Not at all. Or at least, not in the way Google has designed the whole thing.

Locking incognito tabs

The new feature wouldn’t necessarily lock the entire browser, but only incognito tabs, thus protecting information that you wouldn’t want otherwise to see.

Of course, this feature comes in handy especially on shared devices, so… (read more)

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