iOS Back to Growth As iPhone 6s Overtakes Samsung Galaxy S7


Android has improved a lot lately in the fight against iOS, and statistics have shown that Google’s mobile operating system has reached record shares in some countries while Apple’s has dropped every new month in the majority of markets.

This time, however, Kantar brings better news for Apple, as iOS has managed to return to growth after several months of decline. And yet, this doesn’t mean that Android is giving up, as significant increases have been recorded here too.

The biggest increase recorded by iOS in Europe took place in France, where it improved its sales share by 3.4 percent, reaching 20.2 percent in the three-month period ending June 2016 (versus the same period of 2015). Similar performance was experienced in the UK too, where it reached 37.2 percent, up 3.1 percent – the UK also continues to be Apple’s best iOS market in Europe right now.

Overall, EU5 figures show an increase of just 0.7 percent for iOS, but at least it’s an increase, with Apple’s pl… (read more)

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