iPhone 14 Pro Is Apple’s Big Star of the Show This Year


Iphone 14 pro is apples big star of the showWe’ve known for a while that the iPhone Pro was selling like hotcakes, but new data shared by TrendForce comes to confirm that this particular model is the big star of the iPhone 14 lineup.

More specifically, iPhone 14 Pro accounts for nearly 60 percent of the entire iPhone 14 production, and in the future, it could go as high as 65 percent.

For Apple, this is both good news and bad news.

While the company does want to push more customers to the Pro models, it looks like the newly introduced iPhone 14 Plus isn’t necessarily an appealing model, with its current demand considered to be lukewarm.

“The market response after the release of the iPhone 14 Plus was lukewarm, escalating Apple’s product adjustment process. The iPhone 14 Pro series boasts improved specifications yet unit prices are the same as last year’s models, making pre-orders for the Pro series highly popular. In the past, th… (read more)

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