iPhone 5s Explodes on Owner’s Bed While Charging


Despite isolated reports of exploding iPhones, Apple is far from suffering from a widespread issue similar to the one that hit Samsung and its Note 7 flagship, but new cases of Cupertino’s phones catching fire keep making the rounds every once in a while from all over the world.

This time, it’s an old iPhone 5s that reportedly caught fire, with the owner explaining that it left the device charging on his bed only for a couple of minutes.

MyDrivers is reporting that it all happened on October 16 when owner Jinan Liu plugged in his 2-year-old iPhone 5s to recharge the battery. He left the device unattended only when he went to the toilet, but then discovered that the iPhone was emitting smoke.

Upon closer inspection, Liu noticed that the phone burned down everything around it, so he used some water to stop the fire.

“Children were playing in the next room”

The report also reveals that childr… (read more)

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