iPhone 6 Plus Catches Fire on Nightstand, Awakens Sleeping Owner


Lithium-ion batteries in smartphones and other devices are prone to overheating and catching fire, and out of millions of phones that a company produces, some are bound to explode. A woman from Palm Harbor, Florida woke up in the middle of the night only to find her iPhone 6 Plus sizzling and up in flames.

Amanda Bentz’s iPhone 6 Plus was charging on her nightstand when it suddenly starting catching fire early Tuesday morning, according to WFLA. The bright flames and the sizzling sound woke her up. “My face was so close to the phone that when it immediately went up in flames, it woke me up. I’m luckily a light sleeper.”

“It literally blew flames right out the side of the phone.” The burning phone damaged her night stand and left black soot marks. It also lightly burned her pillow case, comforter and even the curtains. Amada said that had it not been for her husband Kyl… (read more)

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