The iPhone 7 was launched only a few days ago, but a jailbreak has already been developed by hacker and security researcher Luca Tedesco.
Let’s start with the good news. According to the screenshot he posted on Twitter, he managed to jailbreak an iPhone 9.3, which is the identification code for iPhone 7 in black version, and running iOS 10.0.1 – this is the public version of iOS 10 that all supported devices should be on already.
The screenshots show Cydia 1.1.26 up and running on the jailbroken iPhone, so when it goes public, everyone is supposed to be able to install apps and tweaks from the Cydia store just like on older iPhone models.
The bad news is that the jailbreak is not publicly available, and Tedesco most likely developed it for personal use. And while this could disappoint some users, it’s not as bad as it seems: the simple fact that a jailbreak has al… (read more)
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