iPhone 7 Beats the Galaxy S7 in Underwater Test, Gets Dropped from Helicopter


The iPhone 7 is the first iPhone that’s water resistant, as it is rated IP67, so it was only a matter of time until people across the world started putting the phone to extreme tests to determine its limits.

The guys over at EverythingApplePro on YouTube performed their very own water resistance test by putting the iPhone 7 against the Samsung Galaxy S7, which is one of the first phones that came with full waterproofing and even got a higher rating of IP68 – the higher rating, however, refers to dust protection, and water resistance is identical for both the iPhone and the Galaxy.

So what they did was to submerge the two phones for 5 minutes in gradually increasing water depth and see which one bites the dust first and stops working.

Fast forward to the conclusion and we get both models thrown in water of 35 feet (10.5 meters) depth and the iPhone 7 keeps working, although there were some signs of liquid damage under the display. The S7, on the other hand, doesn’t… (read more)

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