iPhone 8 Recall Due to Inflating Batteries Not Ruled Out in Korea


The new iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus are both projected to land in South Korea as soon as November, but local authorities are already expressing their concerns towards the batteries that power the device.

Since the launch of the iPhone 8 in late September, there have been several reports of bad batteries on the iPhone 8 Plus, with customers in several big markets, including the United States, confirming units that shipped with swelling batteries which pushed the screen out of the frame.

The Korea Times reports that despite all these concerns of iPhone 8 units arriving with bad batteries on the local market, no tests can be conducted simply because of the limited supply.

“Despite concerns over the expanding batteries, we cannot carry out any safety test due to an insufficient supply ahead of the launch,” the newspaper cited an official of a telecom company as saying.

Local organizatio… (read more)

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