M2-Powered MacBook Air on the Way With a White Notch


M2 powered macbook air on the way with a white notchApple introduced the notch back in 2017 on the iPhone X, and while this was initially a rather controversial feature, pretty much everybody ended up using it in the mobile phone market.

Including Apple’s rivals, that is, as even Samsung, the company that originally made fun of the notch, at one point embraced a similar approach on its mobile devices.

The notch, however, expanded beyond the mobile market and made its way to laptops as well.

Apple is now working on another notch interpretation, this time on the upcoming M2-powered MacBook Air. A report from iDropNews and citing people familiar with the matter indicate this new device would be fitted with a white notch.

The notch could get the ax on the iPhone this year

Without a doubt, a white notch will be impossible to ignore. Until now, Apple’s marketing materials have m… (read more)

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