Pangu Announces Jailbreak for iOS 9.2 – 9.3.3


iPhone users have been waiting for a jailbreak for the latest iOS versions for many months now, but it turns out that the release of a Pangu tool is just around the corner, according to a tweet posted by the team earlier today.

The new jailbreak will be available for devices running iOS 9.2 to 9.3.3, and Pangu says that its debut will take place soon, though there are reports that some Chinese users have already managed to download it. And English version, however, is not yet available, so an official announcement for Pangu should set things straight in this case.

The Pangu Team, which also showed Cydia running on iOS 10 beta, hinting that a full jailbreak could be released shortly after Apple pushes out the next version of iOS in September, says the existing jailbreak only works on 64-bit devices.

iPhone 5s and newer, iPhone SE, iPod Touch 6G, iPad mini 2 and newer, and even … (read more)

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