Pro-Huawei Chinese Diplomat Tweets Against Apple Using an iPhone


Small blunders when social accounts belonging to Apple rivals post new messages from iPhones are something that we see every once in a while, but a Chinese diplomat has recently pushed the whole thing to a completely new level.

Zhao Lijian, deputy chief of mission at the Chinese embassy in Islamabad, poses as a huge Huawei fan, and this makes total sense since this is the largest tech company in his home country.

So after President Trump signed a new order basically banning Huawei from working with American companies, Lijian decided to go online defend his people and make fun of Apple.

“BREAKING: It has been just revealed why @realDonaldTrump hated a private company from China so much that it went so far by announcing a national emergency. Look at the logo of Huawei. It has cut APPLE into pieces…” he tweeted on May 20.

A few hours later, he returned to praise the camera capabilities of Huawei’s… (read more)

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