Spotify Accuses Apple of Anti-Competitive Behavior


Spotify accuses apple of anti competitive behaviorSpotify and Apple aren’t exactly the best buddies, but this time, the music streaming company is publicly accusing the iPhone maker of anti-competitive behavior that “hurts everyone.”

The issue stems from changes that Spotify is being required to make in its iPhone app in order to provide users with access to audiobooks.

“Spotify’s recent launch of Audiobooks in the U.S. is the perfect example of just how far Apple will go to disadvantage competitors. The Audiobooks purchase flow that Apple’s rules force us to provide consumers today is far too complicated and confusing — confusing because they change the rules arbitrarily, making them impossible to interpret,” Spotify explains.

“Bottom line, we’re forced to make users work even harder to listen to an audiobook. This harms not only consumers, but, this time, al… (read more)

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