Teen Causes Flight Delay After Sending Fake Crime Scene Photo to All iPhones


Making everything work so easily is a double-edged sword for Apple, as its devices can sometimes cause blunders that may not otherwise happen if an extra verification step was included.

This is the case of AirDrop, which was the sharing feature that was mistakenly used by a 15-year-old girl to send a fake crime scene photo to all iPhones on board of Hawaiian Airlines flight 23 taking off from Oakland for Maui.

The girl, who studies medical-biology, was trying to share a photo of her latest class with her mother, also an iPhone user. When AirDropping the image, however, the girl couldn’t find her mother’s iPhone in the list of devices, but instead, 15 other iPhones which had the feature turned on.

So she tapped each and every one of them, reportedly sending the file across the plan. If you wonder what was so frightening about the photo, scroll down to the end of the article to see it. The picture shows a child mannequin on the grou… (read more)

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