Telegram CEO Accuses Apple of “Demoralizing” Strategy


Telegram ceo accuses apple of demoralizing strategyApple being accused of blocking app updates isn’t something uncommon, as even the big developers out there have blasted the company on several occasions for making it hard to bring major improvements to users.

This time, it’s the turn of Telegram, as the founder of the company says a major update for the messaging platform is currently blocked in Apple’s update review phase without any specifications.

Pavel Durov says Apple’s behavior is “demoralizing,” as in many cases, it causes financial losses to developers.

“The only thing that we find discouraging is that we’re often unable to distribute the new versions of Telegram due to the obscure “review process” imposed on all mobile apps by the tech monopolies. For example, our upcoming update – which is about to revolutionize how people express themselves in messaging – has been stuck in Apple’s “review” for two weeks, without explanation or any feedback provided by Apple,” Durov explains in a recent <a href="https:/… (read more)

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