This Is How Much It’ll Cost to Replace a Shattered iPhone 12 Display


Apple has officially launched the iPhone 12 last week, and the first units are projected to land in the hands of owners who pre-ordered it next Friday.

Unfortunately for the most unlucky fellows, once the iPhone 12 starts shipping it’s all just a matter of time until we see the first posts on social media revealing how the device ended up shattered into pieces after falling to the ground.

Broken screens are something that we can’t avoid, and while using a case sometimes helps, they’re not bulletproof. And unfortunately, many of us learned this the hard way.

A broken display, however, isn’t the end of the world, and Apple has recently published the screen replacement costs should the operation be not covered by warranty.

New iPhones going on sale in November

More specifically, replacing the screen of the iPhone 12 and the iPhone 12 Pro (these are the only two models … (read more)

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