Apple has launched a new iPhone SE model that comes with the look of the iPhone 8 and upgraded internals, once again providing potential customers with a new affordable alternative to its more premium iPhones.
For many, this is quite good news, not only because they didn’t want to spend a fortune on a new iPhone, but also because larger phones like the iPhone 11 Pro aren’t their own cup of tea.
So a new 4.7-inch iPhone may be exactly the phone they were looking for, albeit I’ve seen so many people lately calling for Apple to launch an even smaller iPhone that gets closer to the original iPhone SE with a 4-inch screen.
But as I said earlier this week, launching a mix of old and new doesn’t make any sense to me, so spending $400 on this iPhone instead of a new-generation Android might not be the right way to go. And today, I’ll furt… (read more)
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