Unlocking the iPhone 7 with Your Nose Might Become a Thing in the Winter


One of the controversial changes that Apple has made on the iPhone 7 is the introduction of a new touch-sensitive Home button that uses a haptic engine to simulate a real press of a button, just like it happens on the MacBook.

And while many don’t seem to be bothered by the new button, an important part those who have already received their iPhone 7 complained that it doesn’t work correctly and the vibration doesn’t correctly provide the illusion of pressing a real button.

But it turns out that there might be a bigger issue with this new Home button when trying to use the iPhone 7 in cold weather. Myke Hurley has discovered that you can’t actually unlock the iPhone 7 when wearing gloves, simply because there is no button to press.

No way to reach the passcode entry screen

Here’s how it goes: the Touch ID sensor that’s integrated into the Home button is the one r… (read more)

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