WhatsApp for iOS is reportedly giving users more time to delete messages sent by mistake with the latest update released last week in the App Store for supported iPhone devices.
On March 8, 2018, WhatsApp for iOS was updated to version 2.18.31, a release that brought the ability to add time or location stickers when editing a photo or video if you tap on the smiley icon, as well as the ability to search the list of group participants for a certain person directly from group info.
But it looks like WhatsApp for iOS received more than that, as WABetaInfo reported on Twitter the fact that users now have more time to delete messages sent by accident. More precisely, you now have exactly 1 hour, 8 minutes, and 16 seconds to delete any messages for everyone.
“Delete for Everyone” limit extended to over one hour on iOS
In other words, WhatsApp extended the limit of the “De… (read more)
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